e-Safety Commissioner - Sports Hub
The E-Safety Commissioner has created a resource space to ensure everyone has a positive experience online in sport.
You can find support with many online situations including:
For Sport Administrators:
You can learn how to manage online safety at your Skate club
For Coaches and Officials:
You can explore safety advice and real online examples on how to deal with individual situations
For Athletes and Competitors:
You can read lots of good advice on how to stay safe online
For Sports Parents and Carers:
Check out some great tips on how to help your children and young people deal with online safety issues
There are also some awesome downloadable resources such as posters and social media tiles you can share with members in your skate community and clubs.
Everyone can have a positive influence and help create a safer and kinder online world by communicating with respect, sharing positive stories online, and encouraging others with positive feedback.

Tailored Safety Advice for more Skate members
eSafety also has some wonderful resources and training opportunities that are useful for Skate organisations and Skate members:
Culturally and linguistically diverse communities, including resources in more than 20 languages

"There is no place online for abuse in Skate"
Sport Integrity Australia also offer the Cyber Security and Safety in Sport Course through their e-learning platform. The course is designed for anyone working in a Skate organisation, community or club. The course covers the potential cyber threats faced by sporting organisations, and equips employees with the tools to make their organisations more resilient to cyber attacks.
Sport Integrity Australia and Play by the Rules are also great platforms to support your Skate community or club to make your environment as safe and positive for everyone online.
If you have any enquiries or concerns about e-Safety in your Skate community, you can always contact the Skate Australia National Integrity and Complaints Manager via email to integrity@skateaustralia.org.au.