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Skate Australia Adopts National Integrity Framework

Skate Australia is pleased to announce its partnership with Sport Integrity Australia and the adoption of the National Integrity Framework and associated integrity policies.

This is an important step in protecting our sports and activities from integrity threats and providing all our participants with a safe and inclusive environment whilst enabling complaints to be handled consistently and independently by Sport Integrity Australia.

We want all skaters to feel safe to speak up about concerns in our sports which is why this is such an important step. From 1 May 2022, Sport Integrity Australia will take over the management of all complaints in relation to integrity matters for Skate Australia. That includes, abuse, bullying and harassment.

Skate Australia's National Integrity Framework comes into effect on 1 May 2022. The framework consists of six integrity-related policies, including:

· National Integrity Framework

· Member Protection Policy

· Child Safeguarding Policy

· Competition Manipulation and Sport Wagering Policy

· Improper Use of Drugs and Medicine Policy

· Complaints, Disputes and Discipline Policy

It is important that all members understand their obligations under this Framework and in particular, familiarise themselves with conduct which is prohibited within each policy. For more information about the Framework and associated policies visit our Sport Integrity page.

Breaches and complaints related to these policies will be handled independently by Sport Integrity Australia.

Any questions can be directed to the Skate Australia National Integrity Manager, Ariane de Rooy at, or to your State Administrator.

More information will come closer to the commencement date to explain the process for submitting a complaint under the National Integrity Framework.

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